Becoming a psychologist

The criteria required are a least a Master’s degree in Clinical or Educational Psychology and 400 hours of supervised training within the Master program in organizations that are acknowledged by the university and accredited by LOPsy.

Apply for 

What you need to know to get licensed

Become a licensed psychologist

Register at LOPsy

Payment & fees

If you are a Lebanese citizen who studied in a private university in Lebanon or abroad, You need to follow the 5 steps below to become a licensed psychologist

  1. Earn at least  Master’s degree in Clinical or Educational Psychology
  2. Submit your documents to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) for equivalence approval by the Lebanese system.
  3. Pass the colloquium for professional practice in Lebanon (MEHE)
  4. Apply to get a license to practice from the Ministry of Public Health (MoPh).
  5. Apply to LOPsy to get the license permit to work legally in Lebanon

If you are a  Lebanese citizen having at least a Master’s degree in Clinical or Educational Psychology from the Lebanese University

  1. Apply to get a license to practice from the Ministry of Public Health (MoPh).
  2. Apply to LOPsy to get the license to work legally in Lebanon.

How to register at LOPsy

  1. You should apply online using the link below. A number of pieces of evidence must be submitted with the registration application:
    • A copy of the license to practice from the Ministry of Public Health (MoPh).
    • A copy of the High School Certificate (baccalaureate) and the university degrees you obtained.
    • An Individual Civil Status Record (dating not more than 6 months) or a copy of the Lebanese ID.
    • An ID photo.
    • A copy of the Criminal Record (dating not more than 3 months).

After submitting your application

  1. Application shall be decided on within two months of the date of the lodging of an application.
  2. You will be informed by email about your membership request. If your membership is approved, you will receive a registration and annual fees invoice. Fees shall be paid within a maximum period of one month from the date of notification, through the Banque LIBANO-Française or WHISH MONEY
  3. When payment is completed, you should send a copy of the receipt or payment notice to the following email address: within 24 hours. Any delay in submitting the receipt may results in delaying or canceling your application.
  4. ​A login credential will be sent to you via email including a username (your LOPsy number) and a password that you can use in order to log in to you online account.
  5. You can change your password or reset it if you forget it.

Registration fee

If your application to the Lebanese Order of Psychologists is successful, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to pay the registration fee of 150$. It is paid once and in US dollars.

Registration fee payments are made through the Banque LIBANO-FRANçAISE


IBAN : LB21001000000017869123001840



by making a transfer exclusively through WHISH MONEY.

Annual fees

The annual fee is paid in US dollars, based on the graduation date written on the MoPh license:

  • Less than 5 years, at the date of the payment: 80$
  • Between 5 and 10 years at the date of the payment: 100$
  • More than 10 years at the date of the payment: 130$

The Annual fee payments are made through the Banque LIBANO-FRANCAISE


IBAN : LB21001000000017869123001840



by making a transfer exclusively through WHISH MONEY.

The annual fee payments must be made before June 30 of each year in order to be eligible to participate in the general assembly meeting held in October.

The license is considered “expired” if the annual fees are not paid for two consecutive years.

 Apply for